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Let's Pink it: Breast cancer Awareness month

Let's get pink with pink ribbon. October is a month exclusively dedicated to the breast cancer; a monster that is eating our loved ones. The pink color has been a sign of being caring, beautiful, soft, polite denoting the exquisiteness of females. And, so this pink ribbon is dedicated to our Mom, Wife, Sis and daughters. Every woman might not be admitting, but lives in a doubt, in a fear of it. Each year around 50,000 cases of Breast Cancer are getting focused. A little care and knowledge can protect you from a big loss.

What is Cancer?
As we know cancer is a disease in which the cells exhibit uncontrolled growth, invasion and metastasis. These abnormal cells when not destroyed by our immune system they gather and multiply to become cancerous. The invasion and metastasis process involve the formation of tumors and secondary tumors. In the breast, these cells form lumps and nodes. Once these uncontrolled cells get free inside the body through blood and lymph, they can settle down in any organ like lungs, ovary etc.

Reasons behind Breast Cancer:
•Genes that stimulate the problem: Some known Genes are identified which are responsible for development of the cancerous lumps, i.e. BRCA1 and BRCA2, MSH2 and MLH1.

•According to the Oncologists that the 10-15% CASES are transmitted hereditary, risk factor is high if two people in a family is suffered from this gene.

•Mutation is the other cause where cells start dividing abnormally producing mutated genetic codes.

•Lifestyle: According to the specialists that today’s lifestyle is a weighty reason for increasing cancer cases. We should check out our daily diet and routine. Reduced physical exercises, fatty diets with low proteins, smoking and drinking etc increase the risk of cancer growth.

•Delayed pregnancy and child birth are the other main reasons along with a lower rate of breast feeding.

Early detection is the best cure:
Screening of breast lumps is possible through self-examination, while mammography is the best technique to diagnose it. Other screening methods preferred by docs are Ultrasound, MRI, Computer-Aided Detection, PET scan and Ductal Lavage.

No drug or vaccine is found curable yet. Doctors recommend the removal of breasts before developing an advanced stage, but on the patient's disapproval, they choose to remove ovaries, which is the only source of Oestrogen hormone. This hormone acts as an accelerator for Breast cancer cells growth. This method cut the risk of cancer by 50%. The possible preventive meds have a lot of side effects; it’s still controversial in Breast Cancer Medication to give such medicines, which can produce harmful side effects.

Some Facts:
  •          Breast Cancer is not confined to females; it is also catching males as its target.
  •          Despite of having no family history, regular check-ups are mandatory.

In this article, i discussed basic points, a little step towards spreading alertness about this giant disease and support to the Mankind. Please comment and suggest, if you like it and forward the awareness.


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