After 10+2 exams, the biggest question is what to do next? If you are a science lover and want to do something different in this field, then you can opt for Bioinformatics. Bioinformatics is a subject combination of Statistics and Computer sciences, applying on molecular biology. It was introduced in 1980s’. As we know DNA sequencing has been the biggest project of recent years in Bio-sciences. Bioinformatics, a field which mingle the biosciences and software technologies together, brought a huge change in genomics world. DNA analysis, mapping and alignment are the keywords through which it could be possible to sequence the entire genome of many organisms. Bioinformatics has been the greatest motivation in the advancement of drug development and research. Bioinformatics is a branch of computing which is concerned with the acquisition, storage and analysis of biological data. So many tools are needed to design the products faster with accuracy. IT tools have become important for managin...
This blog is all about little gifts in life.
Little gifts of my experiences with Plants and Gardening as well as Parenting, Cooking, Baking, Travelling and Computing et al.