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Eczema flare-ups-- Still a big question

What Causes Eczema?
Generally eczema develops after frequent exposure to a mild irritant like a detergent or a concise exposure to a burly irritant such as acid etc. On the other side, allergic contact eczema builds up when an allergen comes in the contact with skin, like poison ivy and nickel.
The exact reason behind its growth is still standing like a big question. Researchers believe that atopic eczema might be a result of blending various factors; these factors include heredity of certain genes, an overactive immune system, or "gaps in the skin". These gaps let the skin lose water too fast and also allow germs to enter the body. Generally Eczema bursts in cold and dry weather.
Seborrheic is the other form of eczema that seems to develop when a number of factors interact which may include the person's genes; climate,fungus that live on human skin, stress, and general health.

Present forms of Eczema:
Atopic Eczema is a chronic skin condition that causes itchy, dry, irritated skin that requires daily care.

Contact Eczema: The most common form of Eczema caused by contact with daily-use things like soap, detergents, toys to food and water.

Dyshidrotic Eczema: The only affected areas in this eczema are sides of fingers, soles of feet and palms.
Neurodermatitis eczema is generally caused due to the irritation at the nerve endings, triggering a severe itch-scratch-itch cycle.

Nummular Eczema: This specific form grows in the form of circular or coin shaped lesions.

Eczema herpeticum: When pre-existing Eczema gets infected with herpes simplex virus, condition of Eczema herpeticum develops, also a contagious form.

Seborrheic Eczema: Mostly the cases of eczema on face are belonged to this variety; it could be developed on scalp in the form of oily and wax like patches, up to face and beyond.

Stasis Eczema: This form develops in the lower side of legs, below knees, when circulation becomes slow. Reduced blood flow let fluids accumulate. Eventually, this build up of fluids influence the skin, causing  rashes and painful sores.

Eczema in Babies: About 10-15% babies are affected by Baby eczema or infant eczema, a type of atopic dermatitis. It looks like red patches with a leathery or somewhat blistery-looking skin.

Symptoms and Signs of Eczema:

In medical terminology eczema is referred as "itchy rashes." Usually, intense itching is the first symptom of eczema. Later on this rash turns into a red and bumpy, itchy or burning rash. Sometimes it may ooze and become crusty and rubbing may result into thickened plaques of skin. It may also appear as red fluid-filled bumps. In severe and chronic stage painful cracks can develop.
In adults mostly Eczema develops on neck, flexures of the arms and legs. Infants generally exhibit the rash on the torso and face, and as the crawling stage starts, the rash occupies the skin of knees and elbows.
Eczema Treatment:

In identifying and treating eczema three main points are considered:
• Characteristic appearance and allocation of a chronic rash
• Severe itching or atopy,
• Family history toward asthma

Prevention is the best cure. Though plenty of medical treatments are available, but the best treatment is prevention. Remove every possible thing which can cause allergic reaction, this is the most effective treatment. And for this step, first we have to know that what causes Eczema. Some common things that often triggers eczema: Scented soaps, Laundry detergents, Fabric softeners, Cleaning products for your bathroom, kitchen
Avoid dry skin by taking warm showers. Use a mild soap or body cleanser and emollient to keep your skin moist.
Malnutrition and unlimited diet may be involved with that factor what causes Eczema. It is said that eczema can be reversed by a healthy and wholesome diet. Whole foods, fresh juices, super food supplements and food concentrates can keep all the bad things away.
For more knowledge on "what causes Eczema", you can visit:


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