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What is a real souvenir?

There are some words which show some connection with you, which may be linked to their meaning,  pronunciation, language or accent. I also own a distinct collection of such words. The word “souvenir” always attracted me, dunno why, but there was some connection. Though there are few more words in my small dictionary, but at the time of deciding the name of my first blog, this particular word came to my mind. So in my mind the word “souvenir” is also a souvenir. 😀 Secondly I am a true believer and see everything as a souvenir from my Almighty, be it linked with my passion for writing or the gift of motherhood, I believe everything is a souvenir. Today I just wanted to write something which is not related to my professional work, and I wondered what to write. When I was looking at my blog, reading my own posts and enjoying old work and laughing on my own writing which I did as an amateur a decade ago, I realized that what made me choose this name for my blog and what this word means. I believe that sometimes the meaning of a single word cannot be defined by a single word, it can take a whole bouquet of words. Do you have some such interesting words in your mind, share it with us. We can discover their meanings in others’ perspective, just for fun. ☺️


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